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Writer's pictureNat Tedesco


Accountability is defined as the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.

According to a study done by the American Society of Training and Development, if you commit to someone else or a group of people, you raise your chances of completing you goal by 65%. If you set weekly check in's with whoever is holding you accountable, you increase your chance at success by 95%.

This is important to know and understand because as humans, we need an outside source to help us stay on track. There are plenty of accountability methods to include visuals, hands on, and even other people. Many people prefer in person, but email, skype, phone, any of these work the same!

At the end of the day, all you need is a clear goal/path, and the willingness to let others help you.

Anything in life takes practice and time to adapt into the new commitment system it will take to reach any new goal you set. When you feel accountable to someone or a group of people you are now engaging in social expectations. When it is just you, it is way to easy to lie to yourself, or tell yourself "just one" "nobody will know."

Goals take commitment to achieve and often times, results do not come as quickly as we hope.

1. Write everything down - get it out of your head and onto paper. Put it somewhere you will see it every day.

2. Identify your goal - what is your end goal. We always start with the end and work backwards. Set a S.M.A.R.T. goal! For those of you who don't remember what that is, make it realistic, use a number (measurable), and give yourself a deadline. ex. (By June, I want to drop 2 dress sizes.)

3. Create Micro goals- Now that you've identified your goal, break it down. (no not the dance move, unless you're smiling right now, you can do a little dance). If our goal is to drop 2 dress sizes in 4 months, we want to know what we must do each month, then each week, then each day! You should be able to walk yourself to your goal by completing these micro-goals each day.

(If you need help with this, reach out to us at

4. Reward yourself for mini wins! - Mini wins are our favorite at TBS. If you complete your first pushup, If you make it 2 days without eating bad food, and then 3, and then 4. These are HUGE milestones! If you drink more water today than yesterday, etc.

5. Reward your performance - BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your actions, did you complete your micro-goals for the day/week?

6. Find a coach/team - Surround yourself with like minded people. Like I said in the beginning, at TBS we use our fitness family. Each and every one of us has a goal we are working towards, so we push each other just a little harder, we set weekly consultations, we keep food logs, and simply ask each other how its going. All it takes is people who care to watch you succeed.

So, what is your goal, how will you get there, do you need others to keep you accountable?

P.S. We love what we do and we love to help. You can always reach out for guidance!

Go crush it!

Natalie Tedesco

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