Over the years, the American public has been guided to believe that low-fat diets or avoiding them all together is "good" for the health of the body, but that couldn't be more wrong. Fats are an extremely ESSENTIAL part of our diets that help allow our bodies to function properly. We are composed of cells and our cell membranes (the barriers that keep the cell intact) are literally made out of fat. When we don't provide our bodies with the building blocks it need, it suffers.
Without fat, we cannot survive because it plays an important part in many physiological functions, including acting as a source of energy, and maintaining healthy skin, and assisting with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K). What is meant by fat-soluble is that these vitamins can only be processed within the body when accompanied by fat. Without the fat, the body cannot utilize the vitamin and a lot of times this can be where deficiencies stem from.
Getting fat into our diet can be really easy! You can cook with an virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or even avocado oil. You can also snack on nuts or seeds, or dip into a delicious avocado spread. Grass fed butter, peanut butter, and almond butter are also good sources of fat. Balancing fats into the diet have great benefits, and should not be feared! Healthy fat has a vital role in maintaining the health of our bodies!